Dentists working in our dental clinic in Brussels


Dentists practicing in our Dental Clinic in brussels are a group of highly skilled dental professionals.

These dentists have helped many patients with periodontal, endodontic, orthodontic, oral surgery, pediatric, prosthodontic and the cosmetic dentistry procedures.

Our dentist team awaits you in a modern clinic, in an accessible Brussels area, where one can find a complete range of treatments that can solve your problems.

Putrino Rocco Emilio
Dentist Orthodontist
Graduate of the University Federico II of Naples and of the UCL - Catholic University of Leuven
BE 081.306.9935
Speeckaert Jérémy
General Dentist
Graduate of the UCL - Catholic University of Leuven
BE 071.581.5062

Supervisory authority :
Visa : SPF Santé Publique.Avenue Galilée 5/2 1210 Brussels
Approval : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles - Direction de l’agrément des prestataires de soins de santé, rue Adolphe Lavallée, 1 - 5th floor, 1080 Brussels.
INAMI : Avenue Galilée 5/01 1210 Brussels
Radiation protection: Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (AFCN): Rue Ravenstein 36, 1000 Brussels